Quotes Tội ác của Đức Quốc Xã đối với Ba Lan

  1. Tomasz Szarota; Wojciech Materski biên tập (2009). Polska 1939–1945. Straty osobowe i ofiary represji pod dwiema okupacjami [Poland 1939–1945. Human Losses and Victims of Repression under two Occupations]. Warsaw: Institute of National Remembrance (IPN). Bản gốc lưu trữ ngày 23 tháng 3 năm 2012. 
       - Janusz Kurtyka; Zbigniew Gluza. Preface. : "ze pod okupacja sowiecka zginelo w latach 1939–1941, a nastepnie 1944–1945 co najmniej 150 tys [...] Laczne straty smiertelne ludnosci polskiej pod okupacja niemiecka oblicza sie obecnie na ok. 2 770 000. [...] Do tych strat nalezy doliczyc ponad 100 tys. Polaków pomordowanych w latach 1942–1945 przez nacjonalistów ukrainskich (w tym na samym Wolyniu ok. 60 tys. osób [...] Liczba Zydów i Polaków zydowskiego pochodzenia, obywateli II Rzeczypospolitej, zamordowanych przez Niemców siega 2,7– 2,9 mln osób." Translation: "It must be assumed losses of at least 150.000 people during the Soviet occupation from 1939 to 1941 and again from 1944 to 1945 [...] The total fatalities of the Polish population under the German occupation are now estimated at 2,770,000. [...] To these losses should be added more than 100,000 Poles murdered in the years 1942–1945 by Ukrainian nationalists (including about 60,000 in Volhynia [...] The number of Jews and Poles of Jewish ethnicity, citizens of the Second Polish Republic, murdered by the Germans amounts to 2.7–2.9 million people."
       - Waldemar Grabowski. German and Soviet occupation. Fundamental issues. : "Straty ludnosci panstwa polskiego narodowosci ukrainskiej sa trudne do wyliczenia," Translation: "The losses of ethnic Poles of Ukrainian nationality are difficult to calculate."
    Note: Polish losses amount to 11.3% of the 24.4 million ethnic Poles in prewar Poland and about 90 percent of the 3.3 million Jews of prewar times. The IPN figures do not include losses among Polish citizens of UkrainianBelarusian ethnicity.
  2. "Executions took place in front and in the courtyard of the townhall; behind the offices of the Wydzial Techniczny Zarzadu Miejskiego; at the New Market Square (currently Daszynski Square); inside the Church of sw. Zygmunta; at Strazacka street in front of the Brass' Works; and at the Cathedral Square as well as inside the Cathedral". Quote from “Tablica przy ul. Olsztynskiej upamietniajaca ofiary 'krwawego poniedzialku'” [Plaque at Olsztynska Street commemorating Bloody Monday in Czestochowa]. Virtualny Sztetl. Museum of the History of Polish Jews. Truy cập ngày 25 tháng 1 năm 2014. . See also Gilbert 1990, tr. 87.

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